Managing multiple figures

When using a graphical terminal such as qt or wxt, it is possible to have multiple figures on the screen at one time. Gaston provides a few commands to help manage them.

Each figure is identified by its handle, which must be an integer larger than zero. Handles don't have to be consecutive. Plotting commands accept an optional handle argument, which directs the plot to the specified figure. For example, in this code:

t = -5:0.01:5
plot(t, sin)
figure()  # creates a new figure
plot(t, cos)
plot!(t, sin.(t).^2, handle = 1)

the cosine will be plotted in a second figure, while the squared sine will be appended to the first figure.

figure(handle::Int = 0) -> Int

Select a figure with the specified handle, or with the next available handle if none is specified. Make the specified figure current. If the figure exists, display it.

closefigure(handle::Int...) -> Int

Close one or more figures, specified by their handles.

If no arguments are given, the current figure is closed.

Returns a handle to the current figure.

closeall() -> Int

Closes all existing figures. Returns the number of closed figures.
