Extending Gaston

Gaston offers multiple plotting commands that cover most cases of general data plotting. However, it is sometimes convenient to extend its capabilities to cover more specific use cases. One simple case is the generation of consistent plots of a certain type. A more complex example is plotting of new types, not just numerical data. We illustrate these two cases with examples.

Consistent plots in a specific application

Consider this situation: we are designing and simulating a new communications algorithms and we need to plot the resulting bit error rate (BER). BER plots have certain characteristics:

  • The x label defaults to E_b/N_0 (dB).
  • The y label defaults to Bit Error Rate, but could also be Symbol Error Rate.
  • The y axis is logarithmic, and we want the tics to be negative powers of ten.
  • The grid should be visible.
  • The plot title defaults to BER as a function of SNR.
  • We wish to have markers at each SNR value, defaulting to full diamonds.
  • We like to use a thick line (width 2) that defaults to color blue.

Let us define a new plot command, called berplot, that allows us to do this.

function berplot(snr, ber, axes::Axes = Axes() ; ser = false, args...)

    # support an optional Boolean argument to control the y label
    ylab = "'Bit Error Rate'"
    if ser
        ylab = "'Symbol Error Rate'"

    # Build the default axes configuration
    a = Axes(title  = "'BER as a function of SNR'",
             xlabel = "'E_b/N_0 (dB)'",
             ylabel = ylab,  # use the label specified by ser
             axis   = "semilogy",
             grid   = "on",
             ytics  = "out format '10^{%T}'"

    # Execute the plot command with the default curve configuration. Note that
    # the default axes configuration is merged with the one provided by the
    # user, giving preference to the latter.
    plot(snr, ber, Gaston.merge(a, axes) ;
         w = :lp,
         lc = :blue,
         lw = 2,
         marker = "fdmd",
berplot (generic function with 2 methods)

Let us try it out:

using SpecialFunctions
Q(x) = 0.5erfc(x/sqrt(2))
snr = 3:15
snr_dB = 10log10.(snr)
ber = 4Q.(sqrt.(snr))
berplot(snr_dB, ber)

Let us verify that we can control the y label:

berplot(snr_dB, ber, ser = true)

And verify that we can override the defaults:

berplot(snr_dB, ber, Axes(grid = "xtics mytics"), lc = :orange)

Plotting a new type

As an example, let us extend plot to display the frequency and phase response of a filter designed with DSP.jl. The idea is to plot magnitude and phase responses in two subplots, Matlab-style.

using DSP, FFTW

fs = 200.
df = digitalfilter(Lowpass(50, fs=fs), Chebyshev1(21, 0.5))

We cannot run plot(df) directly, since neither Gaston nor gnuplot know what to do with data of this type.. We need to extend plot to type ZeroPoleGain, wee can also define a default plot configuration.

# We need to explicitly import plot, since we're extending it.
import Gaston.plot

function plot(x::ZeroPoleGain, axes::Axes = Axes() ; fs = π, n = 250, args...)
    # The filter's frequency response is obtained with freqz.
    f = range(0, fs/2, length = n)
    fz = freqz(x, f, fs)
    mg = abs.(fz)
    ph = angle.(fz)

    # magnitude plot
    a = Axes(title = "'Magnitude response'",
             grid = :on,
             xlabel = "'Frequency'",
             ylabel = "'Magnitude'")
    p1 = plot(f, mg, merge(a, axes) ; handle = Gaston.nexthandle(), args...)

    # phase plot
    a = Axes(title = "'Phase response'",
             grid = :on,
             xlabel = "'Frequency'",
             ylabel = "'Phase'")
    p2 = plot(f, ph, merge(a, axes) ; handle = Gaston.nexthandle(), args...)

    plot([p1 ; p2])

plot (generic function with 14 methods)

Note that, when creating plots for the magnitude and phase response, the function Gaston.nexthandle() is used to select a new, unused handle. The reason is that plot overwrites the last created plot. So, when defining p1 we run the risk of overwriting the last plot the user created, and when defining p2 we run the risk of overwriting p1. These are avoided by choosing handles that are not shared with any other plots.

Let us test it:

plot(df, fs=fs)