3-D Examples

(Many of these examples taken from, or inspired by, @lazarusa's amazing gallery)

Interlocking Tori

U = LinRange(-pi, pi, 100)
V = LinRange(-pi, pi, 20)
x = [cos(u) + .5 * cos(u) * cos(v) for u in U, v in V]
y = [sin(u) + .5 * sin(u) * cos(v) for u in U, v in V]
z = [.5 * sin(v)                   for u in U, v in V]
surf(x', y', z',
     w = :pm3d,
     Axes(palette = :dense,
          pm3d = "depthorder",
          colorbox = :off,
          key = :false,
          tics = :false,
          border = 0,
          view = "60, 30, 1.5, 0.9",
          style = "fill transparent solid 0.7"))
x = [1 + cos(u) + .5 * cos(u) * cos(v) for u in U, v in V]
y = [.5 * sin(v)                       for u in U, v in V]
z = [sin(u) + .5 * sin(u) * cos(v)     for u in U, v in V]
surf!(x', y' ,z' , w = :pm3d)

Fill a curve in 3-D

x = 0.:0.05:3;
y = 0.:0.05:3;
z = @. sin(x) * exp(-(x+y))
surf(x, y, z, supp = [z.*0 z], curveconf = "w zerror t 'Data'", lw = 3,
     Axes(xlabel = :X, ylabel = :Y,
          linetype = :Set1_5,
          style = "fill transparent solid 0.3",
          xyplane = "at 0",
          grid = :on)
surf!(x.*0, y, z, w = :l, lw = 3)
surf!(x, y.*0, z, w = :l, lw = 3)

Variable marker size and color

x = 0:0.1:6π;
scatter3(x, cos.(x), sin.(x), supp = x./10,
         ps = "variable", pt = "fcircle", lc = "palette",
         Axes(colorbox = :off))

Surface with contours

x = y = -10:0.5:10
f1 = (x,y) -> cos.(x./2).*sin.(y./2)
surf(x, y, f1,
     lc = :turquoise,
     Axes(hidden3d = :on,
          contour = "base",
          cntrparam = "levels 10",
          key = :off))

Egg-shaped contours

x = -1:0.05:1
y = -1.5:0.05:2
egg(x,y) = x^2 + y^2/(1.4 + y/5)^2
segg = [egg(x,y) for x in x, y in y]
contour(x, y, segg', labels = false,
        curveconf = "w l lc palette",
        Axes(palette = :cool,
             cntrparam = "levels incremental 0,0.01,1",
             auto = "fix",
             xrange = (-1.2, 1.2),
             yrange = (-1.5, 2),
             cbrange = (0, 1),
             xlabel = :x,
             ylabel = :y,
             size = "ratio -1"))


U  = LinRange(0,10π, 80)
V = LinRange(0,2π, 20)
x = [(1-0.1*cos(v))*cos(u)     for u in U, v in V]
y = [(1-0.1*cos(v))*sin(u)     for u in U, v in V]
z = [0.1*(sin(v) + u/1.7 - 10) for u in U, v in V]
surf(x, y, z, w="pm3d",
     Axes(pm3d = "depthorder",
     style = "fill transparent solid 0.7",
     view = "equal xyz",
     xyplane = -0.05,
     palette = :ice,
     xrange = (-1.2, 1.2),
     yrange = (-1.2, 1.2),
     colorbox = :off))


Θ = LinRange(0, 2π, 100) # 50
Φ = LinRange(0, π, 20)
r = 0.8
x = [r*cos(θ)*sin(ϕ) for θ in Θ, ϕ in Φ]
y = [r*sin(θ)*sin(ϕ) for θ in Θ, ϕ in Φ]
z = [r*cos(ϕ)        for θ in Θ, ϕ in Φ]
surf(x, y, z, w = :l, lc = :turquoise,
     Axes(view = "equal xyz",
          pm3d = "depthorder",
          hidden3d = :on))
surf(x, y, z, w = :pm3d,
     Axes(style = "fill transparent solid 0.5",
     xyplane = 0,
     palette = :summer,
     view = "equal xyz",
     pm3d = "depthorder"))


U  = LinRange(-π,π, 50)
V = LinRange(-π,π, 100)
r = 0.5
x = [1+cos(u)+r*cos(u)*cos(v) for u in U, v in V]
y = [r*sin(v)                 for u in U, v in V]
z = [sin(u)+r*sin(u)*cos(v)   for u in U, v in V]
axesconf = """set object rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 behind fillcolor 'black' fillstyle solid noborder
              set pm3d depthorder
              set style fill transparent solid 0.5
              set pm3d lighting primary 0.05 specular 0.2
              set view 108,2
              unset border
              set xyplane 0
              unset tics
              unset colorbox"""
surf(x, y, z, w = :pm3d, Axes(palette = :cool, axesconf = axesconf))


step = 5;
cc = "w l lc 'turquoise' lw 3 notitle"
ac = Axes(zrange = (0,30), xrange = (-1.2, 1.2), yrange = (-1.2, 1.2),
          tics = :off,
          xlabel = :x, ylabel = :y, zlabel = :z)
F = scatter3(cos.(z[1:step]), sin.(z[1:step]), z[1:step], curveconf = cc, ac);
for i = 2:60
    pi = scatter3(cos.(z[1:i*step]), sin.(z[1:i*step]), z[1:i*step],
                  curveconf = cc, ac, handle = 2);
    push!(F, pi)
for i = 60:-1:1
    pi = scatter3(cos.(z[1:i*step]), sin.(z[1:i*step]), z[1:i*step],
                  curveconf = cc, ac, handle = 2);
    push!(F, pi)
save(term="gif", saveopts = "animate size 600,400 delay 1", output="anim3d.gif", handle=1)

x = y = -15:0.4:15
ac = Axes(title = :Sombrero_Surface,
          palette  = :cool,
          cbrange  = (-0.2, 1),
          zrange   = (-0.3, 1),
          hidden3d = :on)
F = surf(x, y, (x,y) -> (@. sin(sqrt(x*x+y*y))/sqrt(x*x+y*y)),
         ac, w = :pm3d);
for i = 1:-0.1:-1
    pi = surf(x, y, (x,y) -> (@. i*sin(sqrt(x*x+y*y))/sqrt(x*x+y*y)),
              ac, w = :pm3d, handle = 2);
    push!(F, pi)
for i = -0.9:0.1:1
    pi = surf(x, y, (x,y) -> (@. i*sin(sqrt(x*x+y*y))/sqrt(x*x+y*y)),
              ac, w = :pm3d, handle = 2);
    push!(F, pi)
save(term = "gif", saveopts = "animate size 600,400 delay 1",
     output = "anim3db.gif", handle=1)