2-D plotting tutorial
This section provides a brief tutorial on 2-D plotting, with examples on how to obtain common plot types. For full details, we refer the reader to gnuplot's documentation.
Basics of plotting
A call to plot
looks like this:
plot(x, y, z, supp, curvekwargs..., Axes(axeskwargs...))
, y
, z
and supp
are the data to plot. Only y
is mandatory for 2-D plots. For most plots, vectors are plotted, but plotting images requires a matrix or 3-D array. supp
is a keyword argument used for supplementary data, which are additional columns that gnuplot can use, such as the errorbar length, or the marker size. Gaston translates the provided data to the format that gnuplot requires, and writes it to a temporary file.
is a set of keyword arguments that are related to the appearance of the plotted data. These typically specify the plot style, the line color, the marker type, etcetera. These arguments are used to build a plot
command for gnuplot. Note that, instead of using a bunch of individual keyword arguments, you can pass gnuplot a complete plot command using the keyword curveconf
is a set of keyword arguments wrapped in Axes()
, which specify the look of the axes, or figure; this refers to things like the plot title, tics, ranges, grid, etcetera. Essentially, anything that can be set
in gnuplot, can be configured from Gaston by wrapping it in Axes()
. The special keyword axesconf
is used to provide a string with commands that are passed literally to gnuplot.
To add a new curve to an existing figure, use plot!
. It accepts the same arguments as plot
, except for Axes()
arguments, which can only be set from plot
The plot
command has enough flexibility to plot everything that Gaston is capable of. However, Gaston provides a few specialized commands that make certain plots easier. These are illustrated below.
Command | Purpose |
scatter , scatter! | Plot point clouds |
stem | Plot discrete (sampled) signals |
bar | Plot bar charts |
histogram | Plot histograms |
imagesc | Plot images |
(Some of the examples below are taken from lazarusa's excellent gallery).
Debug mode
If you want to see exactly what commands Gaston is sending to gnuplot, you can turn on debug mode:
set(debug = true)
Use set(debug = false)
to turn this mode off.
Set the plot style, line color, line pattern, line width, and markers
The plot style is set with the keys w
, with
, or plotstyle
. Gnuplot supports many different plot styles; for example, lines
means plotting a line, points
is just the markers, and linespoints
is a line with markers. See all the details in gnuplot's documentation.
The line color is set with lc
or linecolor
; while the line width is specified with linewidth
or lw
. The marker type is configured with pointtype
, pt
or marker
. Usually gnuplot identifies each marker type by a number, but Gaston provides some equivalent names (see Introduction to plotting. The marker size is configured with pointsize
, ps
or ms
. The number of markers may be configured with pointnumber
or pn
The line style can be configured in multiple ways; one is to specify linestyle
or ls
followed by a pattern of dashes and points such as '-.-'
The plotted curve can be given a legend with title
or legend
The following examples use all these options.
# plot with lines and markers
t = -5:0.05:5
plot(t, sin,
# linespoints plot style
w = :lp,
# line color
lc = :turquoise,
# line width
lw = 3,
# empty circles
marker = "ecircle",
# marker size
ms = 1.5,
# plot only ten markers
pn = 10,
# legend
legend = :A_sine_wave
# plot with dashed line
plot(t, sin,
# lines plot style
w = :l,
# line width
lw = 3,
# dashed line
ls = "'-.-'"
Set the plot title, axis labels, tics, legends and grid
Since these are attributes of the entire figure, they must be wrapped by Axes()
. The title is set with title
, the axis labels with xlabel
and ylabel
The tics are configured with xtics
and ytics
. The grid can be turned on with grid
. The position and shape of the legend box is configured with key
The following example shows how to use these attributes.
plot(t, sin,
w = :lp, lc = :turquoise, lw = 3,
marker = "ecircle", ms = 1.5,
pn = 10, legend = :A_sine_wave,
Axes(# set the title
title = "'Example plot'",
# turn on the grid
grid = :on,
# specify tics
xtics = -5:2:5,
ytics = ([-1 0 1], ["- one", "zero", "+ one"]),
# configure legend box
key = "outside center bottom")
Logarithmic plots
The axes can be configured to have a logarithmic scale, using axis = semilogy
, semilogx
, or loglog
using SpecialFunctions
Q(x) = 0.5erfc(x/sqrt(2))
SNR = 1:15
plot(10log10.(SNR), Q.(sqrt.(SNR)),
Axes(axis = "semilogy",
xlabel = "'Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)'",
ylabel = "'Bit Error Rate'",
ytics = "out format '10^{%T}'",
grid = "xtics mytics",
title = "'BPSK Bit Error Rate'")
Step plots
In step plots, data points are joined with a horizontal line. To obtain a step plot, set the plot style to steps
, fsteps
, or fillsteps
t = -2:0.06:2
plot(t, sin.(2π*t),
plotstyle = :steps,
Axes(title = "'Steps plot'")
plot(t, sin.(2π*t),
w = :fillsteps,
Axes(style = "fill solid 0.5",
title = "'Fillsteps plot'")
The color can be specified with fillcolor
plot(t, sin.(2π*t),
w = :fillsteps,
fc = :plum,
Axes(style = "fill solid 0.5",
title = "'Fillsteps plot'")
Plotting with financial and error bars
Gaston supports plotting using financial and error bars, by setting the plot style appropriately. Supplementary data is passed to gnuplot using the argument supp
x = 1:0.5:8
open = 3*(0.5 .- rand(length(x)))
close = open .+ 1;
low = open .- 1;
high = open .+ 1.5;
fin = [low high close]
plot(x, open, supp = fin, plotstyle = "financebars",
Axes(title = "'Example of financial bars'")
x = 0:2:50
y = @. 2.5x/(5.67+x)^2
err = 0.05*rand(length(x))
plot(x, y, supp = err, plotstyle = :errorlines,
Axes(title = "'Example of error lines'")
Plotting filled curves
To "fill" the area below a curve, use the plot style "filledcurves". In the example below, we use curveconf
to pass a full plot command to gnuplot. The style
is set to transparent
, so one plot will not obscure those behind it.
x = LinRange(-10,10,200)
fg(x,μ,σ) = exp.(.-(x.-μ).^2 ./(2σ^2))./(σ*√(2π))
plot(x, fg(x, 0.25, 1.5),
curveconf = "w filledcu lc '#E69F00' dt 1 t '0.25,1.5'",
Axes(style = "fill transparent solid 0.3 noborder",
key = "title 'μ,σ' box 3",
xlabel = "'x'", ylabel="'P(x)'",
title = "'Example of filled curves'"))
plot!(x, fg(x, 2, 1), curveconf = "w filledcu lc '#56B4E9' dt 1 t '2,1'")
plot!(x, fg(x, -1, 2), curveconf ="w filledcu lc '#009E73' dt 1 t '-1,2'")
Filling the space between two curves
It is possible to fill the space between two curves by providing the second curve as a supplementary column. In this example, gnuplot will fill the space between sin.(x)
and sin.(x) .+ 1
x = LinRange(-10,10,200)
plot(x, sin.(x) .- 0.2, supp = sin.(x) .+ 0.2,
curveconf = "w filledcu lc '#56B4E9' fs transparent solid 0.3",
Axes(title = :Filling_the_space_between_two_curves))
plot!(x, sin.(x), lc = :blue)
Box plots
This example shows the use of supplementary data with the "boxerrorbars" style. the vector yerr
controls the length of the error bar for each box, while lcval
assigns each box a color (since lc palette
is given in curveconf
). Finally, a color palette is specified using a symbol (:summer
), which refers to a color scheme from ColorSchemes.jl.
using Random
x = 1:2:20
y = 5*rand(10)
yerr = 0.4*abs.(randn(10))
lcval = 1:10
plot(x, y, supp=[yerr lcval],
curveconf = "w boxerrorbars notit lc palette fs solid 0.5",
Axes(palette = :summer,
Scatter plots (point clouds)
A scatter plot can be generated with the scatter
c = 2rand(1000).-1 .+ im*(2rand(1000).-1)
p = filter(x->abs(x)<1, c)
marker = "fsquare",
pointsize = 0.25,
Axes(object = "ellipse at 0,0 size 2,2",
title = "'Random points within the unit circle'")
Note that, when the data to plot is complex, the real part is interpreted as the x
coordinate and the imaginary part as the y
Besides the standard markers, any UTF-8 character may be used:
scatter(randn(30), randn(30), marker = "λ")
Bubble plots
This example shows how to generate a scatter plot where the color and size of each point is specified with supplementary data. This example also shows how to turn off the colorbox.
n = 40
x, y, z = randn(n), randn(n), randn(n)
plot(x, y, supp = [5z z],
curveconf = "w p notit pt 7 ps var lc palette",
Axes(palette = :ice,
xrange = (-2.2, 2.5),
yrange = (-2.2, 2.2),
colorbox = :off)
Behind the scenes, scatter
calls plot
with the points
Stem plots
Stem plots make it obvious one is plotting a discrete-time signal. The stem
command replicates the behavior of stem
in Matlab, Octave, et al:
t = -2:0.06:2
stem(t, sin.(2π*t))
By default, the line color is blue and the lines are made sligthly thicker. If only the vertical lines ("impulses") are desired, pass the option onlyimpulses=true
to stem
stem(t, sin.(2π*t), onlyimpulses = true)
Behind the scenes, stem
calls plot
with the impulses
plotstyle, followed (if onlyimpulses == true
) by a call to plot!
with the points
plotstyle and the pointtype set to "ecircle"
Bar plots
Bar plots can be generated with the bar
year = range(1985, length=20);
data = 0.5 .- rand(20)
bar(year, data,
fc = "'dark-goldenrod'",
legend = "'Random number'",
Axes(xtics = "rotate",
key = "box under",
boxwidth = 0.66,
style = "fill pattern 2")
Behind the scenes, bar
uses gnuplot's boxes
plotstyle, with a default box width of 0.8 and solid fill.
To plot histograms, use the histogram
command. This command takes the same properties as bar
. In addition, histogram
accepts a bins
parameter, used to specify the number of bins, and a norm
parameter that can be used to normalize the area under the histogram.
bins = 15,
norm = 1,
Axes(title = :Histogram,
yrange = "[0:1.8]")
It is of course possible to use histogram
(or any other plot command) along with plot!
to produce different kinds of plots in the same figure:
x = -5:0.05:5
data = randn(10000)
gaussian = @. exp(-x^2/2)/sqrt(2π)
bins = 25,
norm = 1,
legend = "'Experimental'",
linecolor = :turquoise,
Axes(boxwidth = "0.8 relative",
title = "'Experimental and Theoretical Gaussian distributions'",
key = "box top left"))
plot!(x, gaussian,
linecolor = :black,
legend = "'Theoretical'")
The command to plot an image is imagesc
. It can plot a scaled or RGB image, depending on whether the provided coordinates are an array with two or with three dimensions.
Note that imagesc
interprets the x
axis as the columns of the matrix. In other words, element [1,1]
is located in the top-left corner of the plot, and element [end:1]
is in the bottom-left corner.
Scaled image
A scaled image is a plot of a matrix whose elements are interpreted as grayscale values (which may be displayed in color with a given palette).
Z = [5 4 3 1 0 ;
2 2 0 0 1 ;
0 0 0 1 0 ;
0 1 2 4 3]
imagesc(Z, Axes(title = "'Simple scaled image'", palette = :summer))
To display the image as grayscale, use the gray
using Images
using TestImages
img = testimage("lake_gray");
ii = channelview(img)[1,:,:].*255;
imagesc(ii, Axes(palette = :gray))
RGB image
An RGB image is a plot of a 3-D array whose elements are interpreted as the red, green, and blue components of each image pixel. The array's [1,;,:]
elements are a matrix representing the red channel, while [2,:,:]
and [3,:,:]
are the green and blue channels respectively.
img = testimage("lake_color")
Axes(size = "square", autoscale = "fix"))