2-D Examples
(Many of these examples taken from, or inspired by, @lazarusa's amazing gallery)
Glowing curves
x = 0:0.3:4
a = exp.(- x)
b = exp.(- x.^2)
plot(x, a, curveconf = "w lp lw 1 lc '#08F7FE' pt 7 t 'e^{-x}'",
Axes(object="rectangle from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 behind fc 'black' fs solid noborder",
border="lw 1 lc 'white'",
xtics="textcolor rgb 'white'",
ytics="textcolor rgb 'white'",
ylabel="'y' textcolor 'white'",
xlabel="'x' textcolor 'white'",
grid="ls 1 lc '#2A3459' dt 4",
key="t r textcolor 'white'",
style="fill transparent solid 0.08 noborder"
plot!(x, b, curveconf = "w lp lw 1 lc '#FFE64D' pt 7 t 'e^{-x^2}'")
for i in 1:10
plot!(x,a,w="l lw $(1 + 1.05*i) lc '#F508F7FE' t ''")
plot!(x,b,w="l lw $(1 + 1.05*i) lc '#F5FFE64D' t ''")
plot!(x, a, curveconf = "w filledcu y=0 lw 1 lc '#08F7FE' t ''")
plot!(x, a, supp= b , curveconf = "w filledcu lw 1 lc '#FFE64D' t ''")
Volcano data
using RDatasets
volcano = Matrix{Float64}(dataset("datasets", "volcano"))
Axes(palette = :inferno,
size="ratio -1",
title = "\"Aukland's Maunga Whau Volcano\""
An animation can be produced by pushing new plots into an existing plot, and then saving the result as a GIF with the animate
closeall() #hide
t = 0:0.01:2π
f(t,i) = sin.(t .+ i/10)
ac = Axes(title = :Animation, xlabel = :x, ylabel = :y); # axes configuration
cc = "w l lc 'black' notitle" # curve configuration
F = plot(t, f(t,1), curveconf = cc, ac); # create the first frame, with handle 1
for i = 2:50
pi = plot(t, f(t,i), curveconf = cc, ac, handle=2) # frames, with handle 2
push!(F, pi) # push the frame to F
save(term = "gif", saveopts = "animate size 600,400 delay 1",
output="anim.gif", handle=1)
It is also possible to have a fixed background. The key is to plot the background in every plot. This example plots a "particle" following a sinusoidal, fixed "trajectory":
x = -5:0.1:5;
y = sin.(π*x);
F = plot(x, y, lc = :black); # we need one first plot
for (idx, xx) in enumerate(x)
# plot "trajectory"
P = plot(x, y, lc = :black, handle = 2);
# plot! "particle"
plot!([xx], [y[idx]], w = :points,
marker = "fcircle", markersize = 3,
lc = :blue, handle = 2);
push!(F, P) # add new frame to first plot
# save as gif
save(term = "gif",
saveopts = "animate size 600,400 delay 1",
output = "anim.gif", handle = 1)
Color from palette
x = -2π:0.05:2π
plot(x, sin.(3x), supp = x, curveconf = "w l notitle lw 3 lc palette",
Axes(palette = :ice)
Categorical data
using RDatasets
dset = dataset("datasets", "iris")
byCat = dset.Species
categ = unique(byCat)
ac = Axes(linetype = :tab10,
xlabel = "'Sepal length'",
ylabel = "'Sepal width'",
auto = "fix",
title = "'Iris dataset'",
key = "b r font ',9' tit 'Species' box")
c = categ[1]
indc = findall(x -> x == c, byCat)
p = plot(dset.SepalLength[indc], dset.SepalWidth[indc],
ac, curveconf = "w p tit '$(c)' pt 7 ps 1.4 ")
c = categ[1]
indc = findall(x -> x == c, byCat)
P = plot(dset.SepalLength[indc], dset.SepalWidth[indc],
ac, curveconf = "w p tit '$(c)' pt 7 ps 1.4 ");
c = categ[2]
indc = findall(x -> x == c, byCat)
plot!(dset.SepalLength[indc], dset.SepalWidth[indc],
curveconf = "w p tit '$(c)' pt 7 ps 1.4 ");
c = categ[3]
indc = findall(x -> x == c, byCat)
plot!(dset.SepalLength[indc], dset.SepalWidth[indc],
curveconf = "w p tit '$(c)' pt 7 ps 1.4 ");
Vector fields (arrow plots)
Vector fields can be plotted with the vectors
plot style. The arrows' x
and y
coordinates need to be specified in supplementary columns.
x = range(0, 6π, length = 50)
A = range(0, 2, length = 50)
xdelta = A./7.0.*rand(50)
ydelta = A./3.0.*rand(50)
plot(A.*cos.(x), A.*sin.(x), supp = [xdelta ydelta], w = :vectors, lc = "'dark-turquoise'")
Violin plots
A violin plot is created by plotting (y, x)
instead of (x, y)
, using the filledcurves
style, and mirroring the plot.
x = range(0, 5, length=100)
y = 2cos.(x) + sin.(2x) + 0.5cos.(3x) - sin.(4x) .+ 3
M = maximum(y)
plot(y, x, w = "filledcurves x = $M", lc = :turquoise,
Axes(title = "'Violin plot'"))
plot!(-y .+ 2M, x, w = "filledcurves x = $M", lc = :turquoise)
Violin plot with a superimposed boxplot:
plot(y, x, w = "filledcurves x = $M", lc = :turquoise,
Axes(title = "'Violin plot'",
style = "fill solid bo -1",
boxwidth = 0.075,
errorbars = "lt black lw 1"))
plot!(-y .+ 2M, x, w="filledcurves x = $M", lc=:turquoise)
plot!(x, y, w = "boxplot", u = "($M):2", fc = :white, lw = 2)
Plotting times/dates
The key to plotting dates and times is converting them to strings, and then telling gnuplot what the format is, using timefmt
. In Julia, dates and times are defined in module Dates
. This example is inspired by this gnuplot demo.
using Dates
dates = [DateTime(2013,6,1,0,0),
concentrations = [0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.38, 0.18]
x = Dates.format.(dates, "dd/mm/yy HHMM")
plot(x, values, u = "1:3",
Axes(xdata = "time",
timefmt = "'%d/%m/%y %H%M'",
style = "data fsteps",
format = "x \"%d/%m\\n%H:%M\"",
xlabel = "\"Date\\nTime\"",
ylabel = "\"Concentration\\nmg/l\"",
title = "'Plot with date and time as x-values'",
key = "right"))
plot!(x, values, u="1:3", w=:p, marker="esquare", legend = "'Total P'")
Displaying a flag with a colored array
This example shows how one can use set palette defined
to associate particular colors with numerical values. Note that arbitrary colors can be associated with arbitrary numerical values. This example creates the French flag:
imagesc([0 0.5 1 ; 0 0.5 1],
Axes(palette="defined (0 'blue', 0.5 'white', 1 'red')",